High Sheriff

Mrs Margaret Miles

My childhood was spent in Kent, followed by three years at Durham University studying Mathematics. I then worked in London for ten years as a Sugar Trader, during which time I married my husband Robert. We lived in Lincolnshire before moving in 1999 to Clipsham in Rutland with our two fabulous children, Alex and Marion. They are now young adults and live and work in London and Barcelona respectively.

In the mid 1990s I trained as a secondary school Mathematics teacher and hugely enjoyed teaching in several local schools. During this time, I supported young people developing a range of fund-raising projects, whilst I set up a programme for UK students to visit and support children in rural primary schools in Kenya. I now teach Mathematics on-line and am a governor at two nearby schools.

At my Declaration ceremony on 11 April 2019
L to R: Alex (our son), Josie (his fiance), me, Marion (our daughter), Robert (my husband).

In 2017, Robert and I enjoyed our challenge of cycling to each of the 42 Anglican cathedrals in England. We travelled over 1700 miles (ate lots of cake!) and raised funds for two charities that support disadvantaged or troubled children in the UK.

A key responsibility of the High Sheriff is to support and promote the work of the Judiciary, the Police, the Emergency Services, the Prison and Probation services and various other agencies involved in crime prevention, particularly amongst young people. This will be a very important element of my year as High Sheriff and I feel very privileged to have been offered this opportunity in Rutland.

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